




地址:127 Outhwaite Rd, Heidelberg West, 3081 Australia


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My work explores the link between subjective and objective reality, and the effect our perception has on our understanding of the world around us. By using simple materials, and light I seek to create a balance between a ritualistic artistic process and natural phenomena. The installations are temporary and site-determined, a collaboration between myself and the location, and function as a visual conduit between the observer and the environment. The forms I create are simple, elegant – without the baggage of language, enabling the viewer to experience in a state of nameless non-objectification, if only for the briefest of moments. This primal interaction empowers one to transcend language and embrace the potential to remove or ignore perceived boundaries between self and subject… To see a little more today than they did yesterday. As a designer my intentions are to use the same affinity for natural materials to create objects of pure beauty and flexible functionality. The forms are purposefully simplistic, championing the materials inherent beauty and allowing the pieces to compliment the aesthetic of almost any architectural space. I also delight in the opportunity to work with recycled Australian hardwoods, celebrating the unique qualities and aesthetic they produce and believe there is no such thing as imperfections in the material, as it is in the heart of its very nature to be imperfect. That is its beauty.